Analisis Pengaruh Strategi Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Mahasiswa Pada STIE Gici Business School Bogor

Sopian Sopian(1*), Hermawan Hermawan(2)

(1) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi GICI
(2) STIE GICI Business School
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of student satisfaction in mediating the service marketing mix on student loyalty at the Bogor branch of STIE Gici Business School. It is a quantitative research and the type of research is explanatory research. In this study using primary data through a survey with a sample of active students semester 3,4,5 and 7, totaling 100 respondents, this sample was taken using a purposive sampling technique. The analysis tool used is the Structural Equation Model (SEM) and processed using Smart PLS 3.2.9 software. The results showed that product and person variables had an effect on student satisfaction and student satisfaction could mediate product and person variables on loyalty. While influencing student loyalty are price, process, physical evidence and student satisfaction variables.



Bauran Pemasaran Jasa; Kepuasan Mahasiswa; Loyalitas Mahasiswa.

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