Preferensi Konsumen Terhadap Penggunaan Sistem Pembayaran Non Tunai QR CODE Indonesia Standart (QRIS): Studi Kasus di Kota Tegal

Anisa Nurul Fadilla(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


This research is entitled "Consumer Preferences against the Use of Non-Cash Payment System Indonesian Standard QR Code (QRIS): A Case Study in Tegal City". This research is a quantitative method with the aim of analyzing (1) the Perception Ease of Use, Perception of Usefulness, Income, Age, Education Level on the use of QRIS by visitors at the three largest malls in Tegal City. (2) The influence between Perception Ease of Use, Perception of Usefulness, Income, Age, Education Level that have the greatest influence on the use of QRIS by visitors at the three largest malls in Tegal City. This research was conducted in Tegal City, Central Java Province, which focused on the three largest malls in Tegal City. The analytical method used is Binary Logistics Regression (Logit Regression) analysis using primary data collected through questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that (1) Perception Ease of Use, Perception of Usefulness and income affect the preference for using the QR Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS) non-cash payment system on consumers of 3 malls in Tegal City. Meanwhile, age and education level did not affect the preference for using the QR Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS) non-cash payment system for consumers in 3 malls in Tegal City. (2) Perception Ease of Use has the greatest influence on the preference for using the QR Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS) non-cash payment system for consumers in 3 malls in Tegal City. The implication of this research is that for Bank Indonesia as the regulator of the national payment system that launched QRIS in order to continue to expand the use of the QR Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS), it is better to take several steps to increase or expand the network and facilities for using QRIS through merchants and continue to improve education and outreach to the public. about QRIS and its benefits to society. So that the public has education about QRIS to increase Easy Perception of Use and Usefull Perception of Use towards preferences for using the QR Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS) non-cash payment system


QRIS; Perception Ease of Use; Perception of Usefulness; Income; Age; Education Level

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