(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author
The term environmental quality is not yet well known by the general public, but the negative impacts of environmental degradation can be felt directly by the wider community. According to the Director General of Spatial Planning, the negative impacts of environmental degradation can be seen from the increasing intensity of flooding, air pollution, to increased crime and social crises. Talking about environmental degradation, residential areas are one of the areas that are vulnerable to this phenomenon, and have a direct impact on residents living in the area, so it is important to research and conduct studies. If summarized from various literatures, environmental quality is generally related to vegetation management, air temperature or microclimate in the area, and changes in land use. In general, changes in land use in the form of converting green open spaces into built-up areas are caused by an increase in the need for residential space triggered by an increase in population. This change in land use will affect the management of vegetation in the area, as well as the microclimate of the area. This research takes a case study in the residential area in Pogung Dalangan, Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta. It is precisely located north of the Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University. In the Land Use Plan, Pogung Dalangan should function as an intensive agricultural area. However, as an area that is very close to the UGM Campus, where the UGM campus is a strong magnet for the development of the surrounding area which is intended to meet the needs of the local community, the Pogung Dalangan area has experienced significant development growth. So that the density of settlements in this area is very high, and slowly but surely "displaces" agricultural lands in this area into buildings, both for housing and commercial facilities. Unfortunately, the impact of the development of residential areas in Pogung Dalangan actually leads to a decrease (degradation) in environmental quality.
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Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Address: Jl. Raya Tengah No. 80, Kel. Gedong, Kec. Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur 13760 , Jakarta, Indonesia. |