Storytelling of DKV’s Students on the Literacy Skills by Using Photos of Lawang Sewu as an Icon of Semarang

Nurhayati Nurhayati(1), Fenti Mariska Yohana(2*), Myta Widyastuti(3), Ida Rosida(4)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(3) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(4) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


Speaking issues among students also include anxiousness and a lack of confidence. They could experience emotions like timidity, worry, nervousness, anxiety, and lack of confidence that impact their ability to communicate in English. It has become a major issue for the pupils if they do not think they are capable of speaking. The use of visual media in storytelling enhances its participatory nature. One technique used by educators to convey their learning experiences to children is storytelling. The storytelling learning approach has an impact on children''s capacity to talk because it makes it easy for them to acquire language skills in both simple spoken words they use and spoken words they hear. Posters, pictures, puppets, lifelike objects and statues, and flashcards are examples of media that tell stories.Natural settings were used for doing qualitative research. The items in qualitative research need to be analyzed and constructed in a clearer manner. The photos was chosen as a medium for DKV students'' media storytelling because it is engaging, teaches visual design, tells stories, and is essential to analyzing the students'' verbal literacy. Teachers and lecturers need to be more imaginative in today''s globalized classroom, especially when it comes to digital learning. Because of the anticipated learning objectives, these educational activities are enjoyable and engaging rather than dry and methodical.People in today''s technology age run the risk of becoming overwhelmed by the fast and limitless flow of information if they lack literacy skills abilities. Furthermore, DKV students'' greater originality depends heavily on their creativity. According to Yani Fitriyani et al. (2021) it refers to the ability of a person to come up with new concepts and inventions that reduce monotony, especially for pupils. Since it keeps learning from getting boring and not getting the most out of it, creativity is crucial. Student comprehension and academic performance may suffer if the advantages of learning are not maximized (Muhammad Wdaji, et al., 2021). Thus, students'' comprehension, as well as their engagement and enjoyment in the learning process, are greatly influenced by the originality of their teachers. Because storytelling effectively involves both the storyteller and the listener, focusing their attention on the medium used to transmit the story, it can be utilized to develop thinking skills. The term "storytelling method" describes the oral narration of a story it sets itself apart from other storytelling techniques by stressing its technical elements.


Storytelling; DKV Students; Lawang Sewu.

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