Penerapan Digitalisasi Alur Bisnis Menggunakan Digital Signature Pada Salah Satu Bank di Indonesia Menggunakan Metode Scrum

Elvan Mahardika Purnomo(1*), Fenni Agustina(2)

(2) Universitas Gunadarma
(*) Corresponding Author


Technological developments have led the Bank to always develop innovations that can help customers and employees to be faster in all matters, including the validation of the User ID registration form. Form validation using an ordinary signature is what has been known so far. After that, the signed registration form is sent using the Tracking System and will be processed by the User ID Management Team by reprinting it and then being signed again by Hello, the Supervisor, and the Back Office from the User ID Management Team as a sign that the application is approved. This manual method can no longer be used during this pandemic due to limited work time, the workplace, and the possibility of contracting the virus through paper. The implementation of digitizing business process flows using a digital signature is one way that activities continue to run. The application for submitting the flow of forms to digital was developed for this, as well as the change of ordinary signatures to digital signatures. This study uses a system development method using the Scrum Model. The result of developing this system is the application of a digital signature and a role application so that each role has a different function and task in the application in the process of digitizing the User ID registration form.

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