Riyanto Riyanto(1*)

(1) Pusat Penelitian Bidang Bahasa dan Seni Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


The success of a Language programme not only involves the act of the teaching, but also successful education programme, planning,development as well as the implementation play a crucial role. Therefore, a proper course design is regarded important to suit with the course will be conducted. This paper will draw a plan of an English course run by PUSDIKLAT setneg in collaboration with the British Council Jakarta. This group of learners need English for academic studies and their language needs relate to their proficiency in English. The objectives of this course is to prepare the learners to take up further study in English-speaking countries. The learners are graduates of different disciplines such as; economics, finance, law and social sciences. The age is between 25 and 35 and have been strickly selected and have good academic potential, high cognitive competence, systematic way of thinking and usually are very aware of their needs and strengths. Moreover, they have good sense of time and high expectations from their learning. As they are going to study for a higher degree which later will affect their career in their organizations, they usually have high motivation in learning English. These facts indicate that these learners are special, in the sense that they have certain characteristics which are different from those found in learners taking other kinds of English course.

Keywords: course design, need analysis, goals and objectives, course contents, syllabus, teaching materials, evaluation and assessment.

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