Nurhayati Nurhayati(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


English is the first foreign in formally taught in school. English is the global language that is used by more than half the world population. Ongoing development in Indonesia is inseparable from science and technology absorption. This ability is certainly related to the improvement of human resources, including mastery of English. English has four skills, or complexes of skill; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. If student would like to write well and correctly in English, they have to master several items. Example: Grammar, Sentences, Subject verb agreement, Run-ons, fragment and the others that related to the writing skill.

Keyword: teaching, writing skill and teaching technique.

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Eric P, Hibison. 1982. Writing Skill for Technical Students, Prentice Hall Series, New Jersey : Englewood Cliffs,

Marcella, Frank. 1972. Modern English a Practical Reference guide, Prentice – Hall, Inc Englewood cliffs.

Mukti, Hilman fariz. 2002. Complete English Grammar, Absolute, Yogyakarta,

Patricia, Furey & Lionel Menashe. 1993. Making Progress in English Grammar and Composition, Binarupa Aksara,.

Robert, Kohn. 1971. English Sentence Structure, Michigan USA : The University of Michigan Press,

Schrampfer, Azar Betty & Tina B. Carver. 1992. Fundamentals of English Grammar, New Jersey

Schrampfer, Azar Betty. 1993. Understanding and Using English Grammar, Jakarta : Binarupa Aksara.

Stannard, Allen W. 1979. Living English Structure, Longman Hongkong.


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