Constructive Analysis on English and Indonesia, Noun Subject and Verb Agreement in the Sentence

Mulya Burhan(1*), La Ode Hampu(2)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


The main focus in this research is the comparison of subject verb agreement on English and Indonesia.  The comparison aimed to find out the similarities and difference subject verb agreement both English and Indonesia. The similarities and difference brought positive pedagogical aspect in the process of language learning. This research applied qualitative descriptive method and was library research.  The research instrument were English and Indonesian sentences which generated by researchers and others sentences taken from books and internet citation supporting the main topic. The data was analyzed by applying Hsiu Fang Hsieh & Sarah E Shannon (2005) to draw interpretation. This research found that subject verb agreement English must based on singular, plural, first, second, and third pronoun and tenses in the sentences. On the other hand, Indonesian subject verb agreement can be used both singular, plural. First, second, third pronoun and it is not depend on tenses.


Subject verbs contrastive analysis

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